Australian Respiratory Council

The ARC Sheila Simpson OAM Scholarship Program

Supporting Specialist TB Nurses Education

To support elimination efforts in Australia, ARC in partnership with the University of Western Sydney, School of Nursing and Midwifery has implemented the Master in Nursing (TB Management). The course, the first of its kind internationally, represents a significant educational opportunity for developing nursing workforce capacity within the Australian TB Program.

The ARC is committed to supporting capacity building for the Australian TB Program through the development of specialist nurses. To support future students ARC has implemented a program to award up to three scholarships each year to enable nurses to undertake the speciality units within the course.

The scholarships are named in honour of Sheila Simpson OAM in recognition of her contribution to the work of ARC, her clinical leadership and mentoring of the nursing workforce within the speciality area of TB, over four and a half decades.

Throughout her career, Sheila tirelessly provided care for people with respiratory illness and TB. Sheila was employed as a Clinical Nurse Consultant in the speciality area of TB for 31 years, retiring in 2018. Sheila through her expert knowledge is seen as a clinical leader in the care and management of people with TB. In 2020, Sheila was awarded an OAM for “services to nursing”.

Scholarship Recipients 2024

Yanxia Li

Yanxia Li

Tegan Conteh

Tegan Conteh


Further information on the past scholarship recipients can be found at the following link: ARC 2023 Scholarship Recipients.

For further information on the scholarship grants, please contact Amanda Christensen AM, Executive Director of ARC on 02 9223 3166 or

For further information about the Western Sydney University Master of Nursing (TB Management) course and structure please go to the following link:


Scholarship Criteria

The ARC will award up to three grants each year to students undertaking the University of Western Sydney, Graduate Diploma/Masters of Nursing (TB Management). The scholarship will cover the enrolment fee for a single unit of study for any one of the following four specialist units of study within the course:

  • Clinical management of tuberculosis
  • Public health management of tuberculosis
  • Care of people with tuberculosis
  • Tuberculosis Screening and immunisation.

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. Registered nurse working within the Australian TB Program, and

2. Have enrolled in one of the four TB speciality units of study listed above, and

3. Consent to have a profile published in ARC’s annual report and website.

Applicants who meet the above criteria can apply for more than one scholarship throughout the duration of their studies. The funding will be allocated in one funding tranche on successful completion of the unit of study.

The scholarships are open to members and non-members of the ARC. Scholarship recipients are encouraged to become Members of ARC. The join ARC please go to the following link for information about becoming a member of ARC:

The ARC will exercise its absolute discretion in the award of these grants and reserves the right not to make any award in any one year.

Please find a link to the application form for the scholarship

Further information on the past scholarship recipients can be found at the following link: ARC 2023 Annual Report